1. Introduction and General Information
1.2. Identification of the pressure pump
The information plate of the pressure pump provides details of the model, the main operating
specifications and the serial number. It is important to provide this information in the event of requesting
technical assistance and ordering spare parts.
The model of the pressure pump is engraved on the metal plate with an alphanumeric code, and the main
characteristics* can be identified with it as in the following example.
1.3. Other identification plates
On the surface of the pump, switchboard, Varable Frequency Drive (from now on VFD) or other
elements there may be other information plates relating to the model of each item. Pay attention to
their characteristics, compliance with standards and regulations and the corresponding regulations for
installation, use and operation. Special attention must be paid to the arrow indicating the direction
of rotation of the pumps for correct operation of the booster.
*See FIGURE 1 in Annex