4.3.3 Ceiling mount
Once the thermostatic valve has been connected, fasten the evaporator to the ceiling of the cell.
The unit must only be installed in horizontal position, using the specific fastening eyelets.
Leave enough space at the back to have good air recirculation and on the sides to allow the thermostatic valve to be easily replaced
and to insert or replace the electrical defrosting heaters (if the space on the heater side is not sufficient, provide an opening on the cell
wall, sealed with a mobile panel).
Evaluate the sizes of the versions of model RC-RCS, as indicated in the charts in Chapter 8.
Proceed as follows:
Open the upper folds of the cardboard box, eliminate the inner support planks, and pull out the unit, being careful not to bump
against the outlet collector and the fan motors (Figure 4-A). To make handling of the larger and heavier models easier, it is
advisable to disassemble the basin (Figure 4-B).
Turn the air-cooled evaporator by 180°, avoiding to damage the collector, the fan motors, and (if not previously disassembled)
the condensation drainage basin (Figure 5)
Lift the unit up to the roof (evaluating and using the most suitable device, based on the characteristics of the RC-RCS model
chosen), check the fastening elements, and fasten the unit (Figure 6-A). On the heavier models (and if previously disassembled),
reposition the basin (Figure 6-B).
Figure 4 – Ceiling mount.
Figure 5 – Ceiling mount.
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