Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B210AAG
VDM300 Vapor Delivery Module
October, 2018
1-10 Internal Layout of VDM300 and Basic Function
Figure 1-5 below illustrates the internal layout of the VDM300 system. The
VDM300 has a titanium tank inside that serves as a reservoir for Dl water
and a Mass Flow Controller (MFC).The Dl water is heated to the vapor state
in the tank through the use of heaters attached to the tank and a heater
control system along with the vacuum outlet pressure. The liquid water level
is monitored by a level detection system (not shown in diagram) in the tank.
The MFC delivers the appropriate amount of Dl water vapor on demand
through the Dl water vapor outlet. The fill valve controls the flow of Dl water
into the tank which works in tandem with the level detection system to main-
tain the optimal amount of liquid Dl water in the tank for vaporization during
operation. The tank drain controlled by the drain valve allows the tank to be
emptied for maintenance and extended periods of downtime.
Figure 1-5 VDM300 Block Diagram