All parameter set values that have been set by means of the adjusting dial (1) will remain
stored until the next time they are changed. This applies even if the power source was
switched off and on again in the interim.
HotStart function
To obtain optimum welding results, it will sometimes be necessary to adjust the HotStart
For details on setting the available parameters, please see the section headed "Setup
menu: level 1".
During the specified hot-current time (Hti), the welding current is increased to a certain
value. This value is 0-100% (HCU) higher than the selected welding current (I
Example: A welding current (I
a value of 50% has been selected. During the hot current time (Hti, e.g. 0.5 s), the actual
welding current is 200 A + (50% of 200 A) = 300 A.
Eln function (cha-
The Eln function can be configured separately for the processes "MMA welding", "MMA
racteristic selec-
welding with Cel electrode" and "Special processes".
Note! For details on setting the available parameters, please see the section headed
"Setup menu: level 1".
"con" parameter (constant welding voltage)
If the "con" parameter is set, the welding current will be kept constant, irrespective of the
welding voltage. This results in a vertical characteristic (4).
The "con" parameter is especially suitable for rutile electrodes and basic electrodes, as
well as for arc air gouging. The "con" parameter is therefore also the factory setting when
the "MMA welding" process is selected.
For arc air gouging, set the arc-force dynamic to "100".
"0.1 - 20" parameter (drooping characteristic with adjustable slope)
Parameter "0.1 - 20" is used to set a drooping characteristic (5). The setting range
extends from 0.1 A / V (very steep) to 20 A / V (very flat). Setting a flat characteristic (5)
is only advisable for cellulose electrodes.
Press the "Parameter selection" button (2) (indicator on the button must light up)
Set the desired amperage using the adjusting dial (1) (value can be read off from the
left-hand indicator)
Press the "Parameter selection" button (2) (indicator on the button must light up)
Set the desired arc-force dynamic using the adjusting dial (1) (value can be read off
from the left-hand indicator)
Start welding
Improved ignition properties, even when using electrodes with poor ignition proper-
Better fusion of the base material in the start-up phase, meaning fewer cold-shut
Largely prevents slag inclusions
) of 200 A has been set. For the hot current time (HCU),