Types of fault messages
There are two types of SCP fault messages:
automatic and manual. For a list of faults and
their associated types, refer to Chapter 5.
Automatic faults clear themselves
automatically if the fault condition goes away.
Manual faults require you to clear them by:
Selecting Clear Faults/Warnings on
the menu of the device that generated the
fault (if the fault condition still exists, the
fault message will reappear).
Correcting the condition that caused the
Viewing the SCP Fault Log
The fault log lists the most recent SCP faults, up to a total of 20.
On each line, the log shows the fault code, the date the fault
occurred, and the time the fault occurred.
Fault Log:SCP
252 Apr/5 10:58PM
252 Apr/5 10:15AM
252 Mar/30 4:06PM
250 Jan/1 12:00PM
Figure 22 SCP Fault Log
To view the fault log:
1. On the SCP advanced menu, press the down arrow button
to highlight Fault Log.
2. Press Enter.
To return to the SCP menu:
Press Exit.
Xanbus System Control Panel (SCP) Owner's Guide