6 Licensing
There are 2 separate methods to license your new software.
New Systems
If you buy a new system the license key will come pre-assigned to the serial number of your camera. You
will not need to do anything unless you need to replace your camera for some reason.
Upgrade existing systems
If you are upgrading an existing system then you will need to locate your serial number using a small
command line tool called list_esc_cameras provided with the software upgrade files. This tool should be
transferred to your computer and then run from your computer while your camera is plugged in. Once you
have that serial number you can then contact your local distributor and they will provide you with a new
license key.
Figure 5.3.2-1 command line tool to locate esc camera serial number in predicate software releases
Once you have that license key you can install the new software upgrade.
Figure 5.3.2-2 Serial number for camera identified
If you need further assistance on how to run this program or install the software upgrade, please refer to
the ESC software installation guide.
When the software is launched with an unregistered camera connected you will receive a pop-up
licensing box that will ask you to enter the license key (given to you by the local distributor) for that
specific camera serial number.
Figure 5.3.2-3 Pop-up menu for adding the license number for your camera.
Once you have entered your license key, hit "Ok" and the software installation will start to run. If you hit
cancel you can still use the software as a viewer for existing recordings.
EyeSeeCam vHIT - Instructions for Use - EN