Fuel Requirements
The recommended fuel for your vehicle is 89 octane minimum. Non-oxygenated (ethanol-free) fuel is
recommended for best performance in all conditions.
Do not use leaded gasoline, as it will destroy the catalytic converter. (For further understanding, please
refer to more information related to the catalytic converter)
Be sure to use fresh gasoline. Gasoline oxidates in as little as 30 days, resulting in loss of octane and
volatile compounds. It also produces colloidal and lacquer deposits which could damage the fuel system.
Octane Rating (RON)
The higher the octane rating of the fuel, the better ability to prevent engine knocking or detonation. Please
always use 89 octane or higher unleaded gasoline.
If the engine has a knocking cylinder or detonation, use a higher quality or higher octane rating of
unleaded gasoline.