Kreatech FISH probes
FISH Procedure 2
Instructions for use
Cell Preparations
Using Kreatech
FISH probes
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is used to identify, or label,
target genomic sequences so that their location can be studied. DNA
sequences from appropriate, chromosome specific probes are first
labeled with reporter molecules. The labeled DNA probe is then hybri-
dized to the metaphase chromosomes or interphase nuclei on a slide.
After washing, the specimen is screened for the reporter molecules
by fluorescence microscopy.
KREATECH REPEAT-FREE FISH probes do not contain Cot-1 DNA.
Hybridization efficiency is therefore increased and background,
due to unspecific binding, is greatly reduced.
This protocol is developed for Research Use Only (RUO) Kreatech
FISH probes.
For use on cells from peripheral blood cultures or direct preparations
prepared by standard cytogenetic methods, see: The ACT
cytogenetics laboratory manual. 3rd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1996.
For optimal results it is advised to use Kreatech's complete Pretreat-
ment kits (KI-60005 or KI-60006) which include a specially
optimized "Instruction for Use" protocol.
For more info consult our website: