Picture 53
To fit the R&G tail tidy, remove the pillion seat or rear hump by removing the Torx bolt
positioned on the underside of the tail unit, as arrowed in picture 2 and shown removed in
picture 1.
Lift the lever on the rear of the riders' seat, gently pull rearwards and remove from the bike, as
shown in picture 3.
Remove the plastic cover above the ECU by unclipping the two prongs at the rear and the push
rivet at the front and then lift the ECU up to gain access to the wiring connectors, as shown in
picture 4.
Disconnect the rear wiring loom connector by squeezing the tabs on each side and gently pull
off, as shown in picture 5.
The rear wiring loom connector will remain attached to the ECU. This needs to be
disconnected from its mount, as shown in picture 6. To do this, it is advised to use a small
screwdriver to push the plastic prong sideward allowing the connector to slide off the mount.
Remove the four Torx bolts on the underside of the OEM licence plate hanger, as shown in
picture 7.
The OEM licence plate hanger can now be removed from the bike. Gently lower it down onto
the rear tyre and feed the previously disconnected wiring connector through the rear subframe,
as shown in pictures 8 & 9.
Unit 1, Shelley's Lane, East Worldham, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3AQ
Tel: +44 (0)1420 89007 Fax: +44 (0)1420 87301
Picture 55
R&G Racing
Picture 54