load resulting from thermal expansion must be avoided as well.
g) If the unit is installed in a seismic zone, install suitable devices
to protect against seismic activity.
h) Install fi re-prevention and fi re-fi ghting equipment suitable
for the area in which the unit is installed in order to protect it
against fi re.
i) If operating temperature exceeds 60°C, fi t any protective
guards necessary to prevent accidental contact and burns.
GAS CONNECTIONS: attach the piping to the threaded / fl anged
connections on the apparatus. The gas side fl anges shall have
geometries as shown in the attached drawing to avoid blocking
pipes passages.
Consider an automatic compressor shut-down device as well. The
aftercooler shall not be subject to any heated gas without a suf-
fi cient water fl ow on the water side. The combination of water and
gas fl ow must always keep the unit within both temperature and
pressure specifi cation as indicated on the data plate.
Always ensure a constant water fl ow and install a water fl ow de-
tector (eg. Visible discharge to drain, sight glass, etc.).
The apparatus must be installed immediately down-streamof the
compressor, and with the separator down-stream of the after-
WATER CONNECTIONS: Attach the cooling water piping to the
aftercooler's threaded/fl anged connections.
Ensure the following:
• The water inlet must always be below the water outlet (to max-
imize performance and allow water to drain out when idle).
• The water must drain away freely (to prevent water entering
the compressed air tubing in the event of a fracture).
• For closed water circuits, ask for separate instructions and in-
stall a safety valve (set at a pressure below the maximum safe
pressure of the weakest point in the circuit).
• Guarantee a constant water fl ow and install a water fl ow de-
tector (eg. visible discharge to drain, sight glass, etc.) or an au-
tomatic compressor shut-down device.
• Water characteristics shall be within limits shown in table 2.
5. Operation and maintenance
Maintenance must only be performed by specialist personnel.
The temperature of both incoming and outcoming fl uids must al-
ways stay within the values specifi ed on the data plate. If tem-
peratures exceed the specifi ed values, contact the manufacturer
for further information.
Avoid subjecting the unit to thermal stress caused by repeated
fl uctuations in incoming fl uid temperature.
To guarantee optimum operation, ensure that the maintenance
program below is performed regularly, and that the following rules
are respected:
• Ensure a constant water fl ow.
• Respect the fl uid temperatures specifi ed at the time of pur-
chase of the unit; if this is not possible, contact the manufac-
turer for further information.
• Avoid rapid scaling by keeping thewater outlet temperature as
low as possible.
• Drain all water out of the aftercooler when it is not in operation
(to prevent ice formation).
Maintenance program
frequency: Every 1000---8000 hours of operation, depending
on air quality and compressor type.
operation: Remove the carbon, tars and dust, formed on the
insides of the aftercooler's tubes, using suitable solvents. Af-
terwards thoroughly dry the insides of the tubes using com-
pressed air.
Check for signs of corrosion, in which case contact the author-
ised inspector or the supplier for authorisation to continue using
the unit.
frequency: After 1000-1200 hours of operation, and thereafter
as appropriate according to the degree of encrustation (ie. the
water hardness and temperature).
operation: Dismantle the aftercooler and clean both the tube
bundle (1 - Fig. 1) and casing (3) as follows:
First cleanwith a high pressure water jet and then place in a
warm chemical bath (containing a mild descaling agent). Finally
rinse with water. Afterwards thoroughly dry the insides of the
tubes using compressed air.
NOTE: It is advised to stock a spare set of gaskets.
-Please note that stainless steel aftercoolers should not be
used with sea water. Static sea water is corrosive for stainless
steels and if the sea water is drained, allowing sea ambient air
to come into contact with the water side of stainless steel, cor-
rosion continues.
-All water-cooled aftercoolers need to be protected against rust
or other solid particles entering the cooling water inlet of the
aftercooler. Avoid excessive water fl ow above 2-3 m/s which
can damage the compressed air/gas tubes at the water inlet
- Avoid too leaving the water side drained of water. For remov-
able tube bundles do not use metallic brushes which can dam-
age the tubes.