Grid voltage limits
outer limit value
Grid frequency lim-
AC power limit in-
cluding SoftStart in-
dicator and/or AC
grid frequency de-
AC voltage derating:
Displays the version and serial numbers of the PC boards in the inverter (e.g. for
service purposes)
Display area
UMax - upper outer grid voltage in V (volts)
TTMax - Trip Time Max - trip time for exceeding the up-
per outer grid voltage limit value in cyl*
UMin - lower outer grid voltage in V (volts)
TTMin - Trip Time Min - trip time for falling below the
lower outer grid voltage limit value in cyl*
*cyl = grid periods (cycles); 1 cyl corresponds to 20 ms
at 50 Hz or 16.66 ms at 60 Hz
FILmax - upper inner grid frequency in Hz (Hertz)
FILmin - lower inner grid frequency in Hz (Hertz)
FOLmax - upper outer grid frequency in Hz (Hertz)
FOLmin - lower outer grid frequency in Hz (Hertz)
Indicates which reactive power setting is currently act-
ive on the inverter (e.g. OFF, Q / P, etc.)
Max P AC - maximum output power, which can be
changed using the "Manual Power Reduction" function
GPIS - Gradual Power Incrementation at Startup - in-
dicates (%/sec) whether the SoftStart function is active
on the inverter
GFDPRe - Grid Frequency Dependent Power Reduction
enable limit - indicates the set grid frequency in Hz
(Hertz) from when power derating takes place
GFDPRv - Grid Frequency Dependent Power Reduction
derating gradient - indicates the set grid frequency in
%/Hz, how strong power derating is
GVDPRe - Grid Voltage Depending Power Reduction en-
able limit - threshold value in V from which voltage-de-
pendent power derating starts
GVDPRv - Grid Voltage Depending Power Reduction de-
rating gradient - derating gradient %/V with which the
power is reduced
Message - indicates whether the dispatch of an info
message via Fronius Solar Net is active
Display / Display Software / Integrity Checksum /
Memory Card / Memory Card #1 / Power Stage / Power
Stage Software / EMI Filter / Power Stage #3 / Power
Stage #4