During all working procedures, keep hands far away from the yarn guide
and roller to prevent crushing accidents.
- Turn the machine on from the main switch (1 Fig. 9) and the thermal magnetic switch (2
Fig. 9).
- Check that the keyswitch (29 fig. 9) is set to position 2 (BRC1T only).
- Set the required speed by means of the '+/-' pushbuttons (4 Fig. 9). The speed of all
the heads is displayed on the readout in metres per minute.
- To start a roller, press the corresponding start pushbutton (6 Fig. 12).
- To stop a roller, press the STOP button (7 fig. 12).
- To stop all the rollers at once, operate the main switch 1 Fig. 9.
To obtain evenly wound cones, never make adjustments (to speed, phase shift, yarn
braking, waxing, threading) during cone formation. It is not advisable to use compressed
air to clean the machine as this will spread yarn fluff over the mechanical moving parts
and electronic components.
Before removing cover panels to replace a fuse or a circuit board, always switch the
machine OFF, disconnect the power supply cable from the control panel and wait a few
minutes to allow residual voltage to discharge from the capacitors.
Danger warning decals
BR modular
General operating pointers
User manual BR