fuselage boom (we fly all our models this way). However, ALWAYS carry out a thorough
range test before flying the model and if any doubt whatsoever then allow the antenna to
hang freely.
Tip: Never install the antenna taut, but allow some slack in the wire to allow for small
movements within the fuselage.
The model is now largely complete, but some very important work remains to be done
while still in the workshop.
Balancing & Adjusting.
The correct centre of gravity and longitudinal dihedral are first determined theoretically,
and then confirmed in practice by test flying the model.
A successful first test flight is invariably a matter of good preparation!
Centre of gravity and longitudinal dihedral.
Start with the centre of gravity 100mm behind the root wing leading edge – this has been
found to be ideal in test flights. Be sure all batteries are secure as any movement whilst in
flight will impact the correct centre of gravity and adversely affect the proper flying
characteristics of the model. If additional nose weight is required, use a measured amount
of Lead (Lead shot is the most convenient form) and fix it into the nose with suitably
thickened epoxy resin.
The correct longitudinal dihedral (decelage) is about +1° . This is the angle of the elevator
(at the neutral position) with respect to the wing and is best measured with the aid of an
incidence meter.
Recommended control throws.
The following recommended control throws have been determined following several test
flights, confirmed by several different model pilots. We strongly recommend that you begin
with the recommended throws and only change them with experience.
Normal Flight
The flaps may be set to move about half the travel of the ailerons for full control of the
trailing edge.
Graupner GmbH & Co. KG * Henriettenstraße 94-96 * D - 73230 Kirchheim/Teck *