ORSI Competition GS o-s 135 Instructions Originales page 22

Table des Matières


Primatist Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS).
Primatist Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS).
2.7.2 Optional (OPT)
2.7.2 Optional (OPT)
Cardano doppio omocinetico (Mod.
Double homokinetic cardan shaft (Mod.
Farmer LH, Magnum Plus Left o-s, Vulca-
Farmer LH, Magnum Plus Left o-s, Vulca-
nic o-s, Vulcanic, Young o-s, Young)
nic o-s, Vulcanic, Young o-s, Young)
Cardano diretto (Mod. Competition GS
Direct Cardan (Mod. Competition GS
o-s, Competition GS, Competition GS o-s
o-s, Competition GS, Competition GS o-s
Frontal, Primatist GS o-s, Primatist GS,
Frontal, Primatist GS o-s, Primatist GS,
Primatist Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS)
Primatist Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS)
Cardano esalobato (Mod. Predator, Pre-
Hexalobed Cardan (Mod. Predator, Pre-
dator HT).
dator HT).
Dispositivo anti-shock oleopneumati-
Hydro-pneumatic anti-shock device
co (Mod. Competition GS o-s, Compe-
(Mod. Competition GS o-s, Competition
tition GS, Competition GS o-s Frontal,
GS, Competition GS o-s Frontal, Magnum
Magnum Plus GS o-s, Magnum Plus GS,
Plus GS o-s, Magnum Plus GS, Magnum
Magnum Plus Left o-s, Magnum Plus o-s
Plus Left o-s, Magnum Plus o-s Frontal,
Frontal, Primatist GS o-s, Primatist GS,
Primatist GS o-s, Primatist GS, Primatist
Primatist Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS,
Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS, Vulcanic,
Vulcanic, Vulcanic o-s, Young o-s, Young).
Vulcanic o-s, Young o-s, Young).
Supporto rotore con mazzette (Mod.
Rotor support with bundles (Mod. Ener-
Trasmissione 130 HP (Mod. Magnum
Transmission 130 HP (Mod. Magnum
Plus GS o-s, Magnum Plus GS, Primatist
Plus GS o-s, Magnum Plus GS, Primatist
Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS)
Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS)
Comando elettroproporzionale (Mod.
Electro-proportional control (Mod. Pre-
Rullo posteriore con corpo centrale
Rear roller with interchangeable central
intercambiabile (Mod. Magnum o-s H,
body (Mod. Magnum o-s H, Primatist GS,
Primatist GS, Prestige O-S F.H)
Prestige O-S F.H)
Catene di protezione (Mod. Competi-
Protection chains (Mod. Competition GS
tion GS o-s, Competition GS o-s Frontal,
o-s, Competition GS o-s Frontal, Magnum
Magnum Plus GS o-s, Magnum Plus GS,
Plus GS o-s, Magnum Plus GS, Magnum
Magnum Plus Left o-s, Magnum Plus o-s
Plus Left o-s, Magnum Plus o-s Frontal,
Frontal, Predator, Primatist GS o-s, Pri-
Predator, Primatist GS o-s, Primatist GS,
matist GS, Primatist Plus GS o-s, Primati-
Primatist Plus GS o-s, Primatist Plus GS,
st Plus GS, Vulcanic, Vulcanic o-s, Young
Vulcanic, Vulcanic o-s, Young o-s, Young )
Sleds (All models)
o-s, Young )
Bats (All models)
Slitte (Tutti i modelli)
Knives (All models)
Mazze (Tutti i modelli)
Coltelli (Tutti i modelli)

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Table des Matières

Table des Matières