The manufacturer supplies the engine
with a protection treatment which is valid
for 6 months from the delivery date.
If the engine is still not being used 6
months after delivery, then a specific
"protection procedure" must be car-
ried out in order to extend the storage
period for a further 6 months.
The staff carrying out any type of inter-
vention throughout the life of the engine
should have precise technical skills,
specific abilities and experiences acquired
and acknowledged in this sector. The lack
of these requirements may cause dam-
ages to people's safety and health.
Vm motori recommends that this pro-
tection procedure is only carried out
by Vm-authorised personnel.
– All packaging components should
be disposed of in accordance with the
legislation in force in the country where
disposal takes place.
The protection procedure is only con-
sidered complete when all the follow-
ing tasks have been performed:
) protection against external corro-
2) protection against internal corrosion
3) packaging and storage
This procedure is valid for the follow-
ing engine situations:
on a vehicle
on a pallet
For engines on pallets, it is necessary
to install the following accessories for
engine start-up:
R750EU5 - IE3 - TE4 - IE4 - ISE4
• battery
• fuel tank
• cooling radiator (for liquid-cooled
engines only)
• command belt for the alternating cur-
rent generator
• command belt for the water pump (for
liquid-cooled engines only)
metal components and surfaces (for
instance the engine handwheel) must
be protected with "FL mECA FLUID /
P8V" anticorrosion oil.
RUBBER ComPoNENTS: unpainted
manifolds and pipes must be protected
with talcum powder. Check the tighten-
ing of the relative fixing clips.
DRIVE BELTS: after applying the
internal protection, remove the belts
and put them into storage. Protect the
surfaces of the metal pulleys with "FL
mECA FLUID / P8V" spray.
ENGINE oPENINGS: Seal all the engine
openings, including the exhaust. Use
cardboard, plywood or metal covers,
making sure they do not leave behind
any fragments of material. All the
engine openings (e.g. air suction ducts
or turbocharger air inlet) must be pro-
tected with covers or guards to prevent
the entry of solids, liquids or dusts that
delay the evaporation of the anticor-
rosion agents. Apply plugs to the fuel
inlet and outlet pipes of the injection
Ed.8 / 0-202