Only the preparation of the donor graft is detailed in this manual. For the preparation of the patient eye, please refer to the
manual of your equipment (#65005 for the CBM microkeratome ; #65007 (English version) or #65006 (French version) for
the ONE microkeratome).
1. Place the base of the artificial chamber on the table and
make sure it is stable.
2. Connect the infusion line to the Luer connector (P).
3. Connect the other end of the infusion line to the infusion
4. Fill the chamber before irrigation. Temporarily halt the
infusion until the graft has been put in place and the
chamber closed.
5. Position the graft on the top of the piston, endothelium
6. Start the irrigation and, with the irrigation flowing, move
the graft to remove any air bubbles present under the
cornea. Once all bubbles have been removed, stop
irrigation. Center the cornea on the piston.
7. Position the chamber cover on the base (Q). Insert the
pins of the chamber cover into the slots in the base. Then
turn the chamber cover about 15° counterclockwise.
8. Check that the graft is properly centered. If the cornea
is off-center, gently remove the chamber cover, recenter
the cornea and repeat the above procedure.
9. Pull the central piston and cornea upward by turning the
graft clamping ring clockwise. The central piston must
be raised until the donor cornea comes into contact with
the top orifice of the chamber cover (R).
10. Start the irrigation.
11. Arrange the infusion bottle so as to obtain a pressure
of at least 65 mmHg in the artificial chamber. Check
the pressure using a tonometer (S). Adjust the height of
the bottle if necessary.
Make sure that the central piston is in the lowest position by
turning the graft clamping ring counterclockwise.
Make sure that the Luer connector is secure and sealtight.
The ALTK chambers are supplied with silicone tubing. We
recommend replacing the silicone tubing after each surgery
(reference: 117.18 for a meter of silicone tube).
You must use corneas with a minimum diameter of
16 to 17mm in order to have enough sclera to ensure
airtightness when the chamber is closed.
The system must be firmly adjusted, solely by hand, in
order to ensure that it is perfectly airtight and to hold the
graft during the punch.
Check that the system is sealtight. If it is not, lock the graft
clamping ring clockwise.
The cornea surface in contact with the tonometer must be
contained in the area determined by the inscribed circle.