Struers Unitom-5 Mode D'emploi page 249

Table des Matières


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Unlimited access to
the spacious cutting
stopped, and continue cutting
at the preset feed speed.
Programmable Return
-automatic cut-off wheel
The return position of the cut-off
wheel can be set to three dif-
fer ent positions: Unitom-5 and
-50 retract the cut-off wheel to
the top position, to the position
where the cutting was started or
let the cut-off wheel stay in the
cut. In this way it is very easy
to get con ven ient ac cess to
the workpiece or a quick turn-
around when cutting many uni-
form workpieces.
Cutting Large Workpieces
If the user wants to cut large or
protruding workpieces, it is pos-
si ble to replace one or both of
the side walls on the ma chine
with optional rubber cur tains.
User-Friendly Design
Extra large windows and fully,
indirect lightning, give an ex-
cel lent, non-glare view of the
cut ting chamber.
A balanced mechanism ensures
effortless opening and closing of
the protection guard.
Cutting Chamber
All metal parts in the cutting
cham ber are made of either
stain less steel or surface pro-
tect ed materials, practically
elim i nat ing corrosion. The top
surface of the cutting table is
exchangable and made of stain-
less steel. A powerful lamp
lights up the cutting chamber,
Unitom on optional LABUN table
and a fl ush hose with ad just a ble
fl ow takes care of fast and ef-
fi cient daily cleaning.
Simple Installation
Installation and levelling of the
machine are made simple, by
vir tue of four height adjustable
vi bra tion dampers.
Safety Features
Unitom complies with interna-
tional safety standards, and
safe ty features include emer-
gency stop and cut-off switch
for cutting motor and all ma-
chine functions. The protection
Simple operation via large display
guard cannot be opened before
the cut-off wheel has stopped.
The windows of the protec-
tion guard are made of impact
re sist ant material. Unitom is
pre pared for connection to an
ex haust sys tem, as some cut-
ting materials may emit harmful
gas es or ir ri tat ing fumes.
Special Table Unit Available
An optional strong table unit,
matching the look of Unitom,
has been specially designed to
hold the recirculation cooling
unit, and to position the mach-
ine at the right working height.
A Sturdy Workhorse
Unitom will enable the user to
cut a large number of samples,
hour after hour. All parts of the
machine subject to stress have
been put through a careful life-


Table des Matières

Table des Matières