14. Basic Settings of the Digital Trim
Before testing the control functions at the model, you must review the current position of the digital trimming or set it
The remote control transmitter has four trimming buttons
(also see figure 1, item 5, 6, 9 and 11), with the help of
which the „electronic centre position" of the two control
levers can be corrected.
When the model tends to fly to the left all the time later,
for example, you may set the rudder with the rudder trim-
ming later so that the model flies straight again.
The trimming can be set during the flight.
Every short push on the trimming buttons makes the
remote control issue a short signal sound that becomes
higher or lower depending on the movement direction of
the trim button. If the trim button is held in one position,
Figure 9
the sound is issued in a quick sequence.
When the centre position is reached, a double signal
is issued. The end of the respective setting area is si-
gnalled with a longer signal sound. The entire trimming
path is approx. 30 single steps.
Put all four trim buttons to the centre position now.