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DMG Vitique Catalyst Mode D'emploi page 3


Cement catalyst + base paste Vitique Esthetic Resin Cement: permanent cemen-
tation of metal-based restorations as well as of ceramic or composite veneers, inlays,
onlays, crowns and bridges.
Try-in catalyst + try-in base material: shade simulation
Do not use in the case of known allergies to any of the ingredients.
Do not use directly on exposed pulp. If necessary, use suitable pulp protection.
Do not use if a dry working area on the prepared tooth is not possible. DMG
recommends the use of a rubber dam.
The use of single-component bonding agents is contraindicated if the cement
is used without light-curing.
Vitique Catalyst is a catalyst paste, and cannot be used on its own. Vitique
Catalyst may only be used with the appropriate base paste.
Basic safety information
For dental use only!
Keep out of the reach of children!
Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes! In the event of inadvertent
contact, immediately wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water
and consult a physician if necessary.
Avoid contact with the eyes! In the event of inadvertent contact with the eyes,
immediately rinse thoroughly with plenty of water and consult a physician.
Side effects
There are no known side effects to date. Hypersensitivity to components of the
material cannot be excluded in individual cases.
Avoid products that contain eugenol, moisture, and air that contains oil, as they
can impair setting of the cement.
Clipping the catalyst and base syringes onto each other
1. Have the base and catalyst syringes and a Smartmix-Tip ready, and remove the
caps from the syringes.
Note: Do not throw away the caps of the syringes. You will need them again for
2. Insert the outlet of the base syringe at an angle from above into the oval open-
ing of the adapter plate of the catalyst syringe (Fig. 01).
3. Press the grip plates of the base and catalyst syringes together in such a way
that the locking mechanism of the catalyst syringe fastens via the grip plate of
the base syringe (Fig. 02).
4. Press the piston of the catalyst syringe into the notch of the pressure plate of
the base syringe (Fig. 03).
5. Attach the Smartmix-Tip (Fig. 04). Make sure that the notches on the syringe
line up with those on the Smartmix-Tip.
Note: In order to achieve an optimum mixing result, DMG recommends the use
of the mixing tips available from DMG. All mixing tips are also available in refill
6. Turn the Smartmix-Tip clockwise 90° to lock it (Fig. 05).
7. Squeeze out a pea-sized amount of material and discard it.
Note: The material is mixed in the mixing tip when it is expressed and can be applied
Note: Both syringes can be disassembled by performing the described steps in
reverse order.
Note: In order to verify the filling level of the catalyst syringe, check the locking
system of the syringe. If the locking system is not visible, the catalyst syringe is
empty (Fig. 06). If the locking system is visible, catalyst paste is available in the
catalyst syringe (Fig. 07).
Working time*
Light-curing time for removal of excess material
Removal of excess material without light-curing
Light-curing time for setting
Maximum intraoral setting time
(without light curing)
*The time stated applies at a room temperature of 23°C. Higher temperatures may shorten this
time, while lower temperatures may increase it.
Instructions for use
Light-curing units should have an output of 450 nm and should be checked reg-
ularly. The light intensity should be a minimum of 400 mW/cm². Place the light
as close as possible to the material. Observe the manufacturer's instructions
for the light-curing unit.
The inner surfaces of silicate ceramics must be etched with hydrofluoric acid
and silanized with an appropriate silane (e.g. Vitique Silane) prior to cementa-
tion. The inner surfaces of metal-based and composite restorations must be
sandblasted prior to cementation. The inner surfaces of oxide ceramics must
be sandblasted and pretreated with a ceramic primer prior to cementation.
Observe the manufacturer's instructions.
During polymerization of the cement, an oxygen inhibition layer develops in
the areas that have been exposed to atmospheric oxygen. This layer does not
set. For this reason, only large areas of excess material should be removed,
allowing smaller areas of excess material to remain. The oxygen inhibition lay-
er is removed together with the smaller areas of excess material when finish-
ing the margins.
To prevent premature setting of the materials, close all packaging immediate-
ly after use.
Recommended use
1. Clean the prepared tooth with fluoride-free polishing paste; in doing so, remove
residual temporary cementation material, rinse, and dry with oil-free air.
2. Try in the restoration.
Note: The cement shade is selected prior to placing the rubber dam.
3. Determine the shade of the luting cement using Vitique Try-In base material
and Try-In catalyst. To do so, clip both syringes together and apply the materi-
al to the inside of the restoration.
4. In the event of corrections to the selected cement shade: clean the prepared
tooth and restoration with water and repeat try-in with a suitable shade.
Note: Using the catalyst in permanent cementation changes the shade of the base
paste slightly. So that the subsequent result in the mouth can be accurately simu-
lated, you should therefore also mix the try-in paste in the shade of the catalyst
with the required try-in base shade when trying in the restoration.
5. Remove the restoration. Clean the restoration and prepared tooth thorough-
ly using a water spray.
Note: Any residual Vitique Try-In Paste can affect the permanent cementation of
the restoration.
6. Following contamination with Vitique Try-In: clean the restoration using a water
spray and dry with air that is free of oil and water. Clean the surface with phos-
phoric acid for 15 seconds, rinse, dry and apply an appropriate silane material
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
7. Apply bonding agent in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. DMG
recommends the use of a total-etch system (e.g. LuxaBond-Total Etch).
Note: The use of a rubber dam to isolate the working area is recommended.
8. Clip Vitique Esthetic Resin Cement together with the cement catalyst and apply
to the inner surface of the restoration without leaving any bubbles. Position
the restoration accurately on the prepared tooth using gentle pressure.
9. Remove large areas of excess material using suitable instruments. In the case
of very fragile margins, carefully remove excess material with a brush or den-
tal wadding in the direction of the gingiva.
Note: Excess material can be light-cured for 1 to 3 seconds using a suitable light-
curing unit and can thus be removed more easily.
10. To set the material, light-cure the restoration for 40 seconds on each side and/
or allow to set for 7-8 minutes.
11. Carefully remove excess material using suitable instruments.
12. Polish the margins using suitable polishing attachments.
13. Check occlusion and adjust where appropriate.
Storage and shelf life
Store the try-in catalyst in a dry place at room temperature (15-25°C/59-77°F).
Store the cement catalyst in a dry place at 2 to 8°C (36 to 46°F).
Do not use after the expiration date.
Close packaging immediately after use.
Try-In catalyst
Pyrogenic silicic acid, pigments in a water-soluble polyglycol matrix
Cement catalyst
Barium glass in a Bis-GMA based resin matrix, additives. Filler ratio: 66.6% by weight
= 46 by vol. (0.02 to 3.0 μm)
ISO 4049:2009 (including color stability)
At least 2:00 min
1 – 3 seconds
After 4:00 min
At least 40 seconds
7:00 – 8:00 min

