Gas cylinders which have been re-
moved may not be stored in buildings,
garages or other enclosed spaces.
Keep the grill in a dry place, protected
from direct sunlight at temperatures of
between 0 and 40°C.
If the grill is stored indoors, it must be
disconnected from the gas cylinder.
This must be stored outdoors in a well-
ventilated place.
The valve of the gas cylinder must
be closed. Store the gas cylinder in a
well-ventilated place. Do not store in a
basement or recess and near to igni-
tion sources. The gas cylinder must
always be placed upright. Note the
specifi cations of the manufacturer
or lender of the gas cylinder!
Technical Data
Device designation:
Article number:
Model number:
Overall rated heat output
Device category:
Gas hose:
Pressure reducer:
Electrical ignition:
ID of instructions:
* The maximum period of use may vary in some countries. National regulations have priority.
PIN: 0063CT7502
The device meets the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/426 as well as the appli-
cable standards DIN EN 498:2012; DIN 4815-2:2010-12; EN 16436-1:2014+A1:2015;
EN 16129:2013.
Do not place the grill down on sensi-
tive surfaces (e.g. wood or carpet)
because after frequent use there may
be fat deposits on the bottom which
may leave stains.
Cover the grill to protect the compo-
nents from moisture, dust, insects or
spiders which may get into the hous-
ing of the grill through the ventilation
openings and settle there when the
grill is stored outdoors.
If the grill is not used for a prolonged
period of time, take out the battery to
prevent any damage caused by the
battery leaking.
GOURMETmaxx top heat gas grill
3.5 kW / 254 g/h
according to DIN EN 498:2012
according to EN 16436-1:2014+A1-2015
2 years max. period of use*
according to EN 16129
1.5 V DC; 1 x AA battery
DS Produkte GmbH
Am Heisterbusch 1, 19258 Gallin, Germany
Z 02523 M DS V1 1118