The device should be installed in the pool plant room, protected from the weather and the sun.
Hydraulic connections
Connections should be made according to the following diagram:
Power supply
pH and
Water temp
Important: When choosing the locations of the control panel and the cell, and before starting work,
make sure that the electrical cable that will connect the panel and the cell is long enough to
make the connection;
4.1.1 Mounting the cell
In the case of the PRO A and PRO LS 65 and 200 models (equipped with a gas sensor), the cell
must be installed vertically and at a high point so that the gas sensor located on the cell power
supply side can run properly. If it is not possible to install the cell vertically at a high point, a flow-switch
kit must be installed.
In the case of the PRO LS 300 model, and other models fitted with the Flow-switch option, there are no
constraints regarding the orientation of the cell, only that of the flow-switch (see 4.1.5).
Respect the following direction of flow: water should enter the cell from the top, flow past the
electrodes and exit from the bottom.
4.1.2 Mounting the temperature sensor
Mount the sensor housing on a by-pass loop (50 or 63 mm) located between the filter and the heating
device (see the hydraulic installation diagram). The housing must be oriented downwards so that the
sensors are always in water and their readings are representative of the current pool water values. The
housing must be installed on a horizontal section of the by-pass loop, oriented so that the side with 2
holes points up (optional pH and Redox sensors), and the side with one hole faces down (temperature
sensor). Screw the temperature sensors directly into the downward facing 1.2 '' tapped orifice.
2021/03 - Indice de révision : B Code : 29740
From the pool
Heating device
Flow switch
To the pool