Capteur 3D
Execute synchronous trigger
This command executes a synchronous trigger. The content of the producing assembly data section
depends on the user defined PCIC output for Ethernet/IP.
Activate asynchronous PCIC output
This command activates or deactivates the asynchronous PCIC output for this connection. The bytes 6
and 7 of the consuming assembly data section define the on/off state as a 16 bit unsigned integer value:
● 0 = off
● 1 = on
The bytes 2-5 have to be set to 0. An error is risen if bytes 2-5 are not set to 0.
The data content of the processing assembly is set to 0.
For the Ethernet/IP interface the user shall only be able to select the binary representation of result data.
13.4.3 Extended commands
Use of extended command
The following command executes an extended command. The ID of the extended command is stored as
16 bit integer in bytes 2-3. The remaining data depends on the extended command.
Set temporary application parameter
The ID of the parameter to be changed is stored as unsigned 16 bit integer in bytes 4-5.
The value of the parameter is stored as signed 16 bit integer in bytes 6-7.
Use of extended command with the depalletising application
1 (Bit 7)
Description Use extended
high / low
Extended command ID
1 = set temporary
application parameter
Parameter ID
1 = DepalSlipSheetDetection
2 = Type of the object to detect
3 = DepalWidth
4 = DepalHeight
5 = DepalLength
Parameter value
1 = on / 0 = off
1 = bag / 0 = box
value [mm]
value [mm]
value [mm]