H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
4.5.3 Possibility to Change Welding Parameters
Subsequent to facing the pipe butts and checking the alignment of
the parts to be welded, Display 15 shows on the screen, provided that
manual data input is enabled in the Configuration Menu. In Display 15,
the welder can keep the parameters that define the welding process,
from the last welding by pressing the START/SET key, if there are such
parameters in memory already, or he can adjust them to the welding
at hand by pressing the STOP/RESET key (see Display 16).
The screens enabling manual input of welding parameters (Displays 16
and 17 plus one more line, not shown, for the heating element tem-
perature) allow the selection of a line using the ñ and ò cursor keys.
After selecting a line, its parameter value is changed by typing the
desired value on the alphanumeric keypad. The START/SET key serves
to confirm the inputs; then the control unit moves on from display to
display or from the last to the welding process.
The parameters set manually are kept in memory when the
machine is turned off. If the pipe parameters change, all
parameters have to be set once again. The machine recog-
nizes the changed pipe parameters and brings the operator
directly to the menu that allows changing them.
4.5.4 Inserting and Monitoring the Heating Element
The machine controls and monitors constantly the temperature of
the heating element. If the temperature is not within the tolerance
thresholds, the machine shows an error message to this effect in the
first line of the display. Furthermore, the upper and lower thresholds
of the tolerance range are indicated in the fourth line along with the
current actual temperature (see Display 18).
As soon as the nominal temperature is reached, Display 19 shows.
By inserting the heating element and pressing the START/SET key, you
make the machine move on to the bead build-up stage. At this time,
the pipes are placed together automatically and the computed pres-
sure during bead build-up is applied.
4.5.5 Bead Build-up Stage
During the bead build-up stage, LED 1 flashes to indicate the progress
of the welding process. As soon as the build-up pressure is reached, as
shown in Display 20, both the computed maximum bead size and the
bead build-up time. If Automode is enabled the time is a countdown of
the remaining bead build-up time; if it is off, the time value increases
and shows the duration already used. During this stage, the build-up
pressure and the heating element temperature are monitored.
When the bead reaches the size indicated on the display, the operator
has to press the START/SET key to terminate the build-up stage, unless
the Automode (see below) is used. The machine then moves on to the
heating, or heat-soaking, stage.
As long as the nominal pressure of the heating stage is not reached
yet, LED 2 flashes while LED 1 is lit. The machine reduces pressure
The so-called automode is a tool for monitoring the
duration of the bead build-up stage and moving on
automatically from the bead build-up to the heating
stage by decreasing the applied pressure. However, this
Version February 2018
HÜRNER CNC ECO 200 User's Manual
Do you want to use
data of previous
ESC <┘
Display 15
Buildup pr.:030.5bar
Heatsoaking:0120 s
Change-over:0005 s
Display 16
Cool. time t5:100
Cool. time t6:800
Cool. Pres.t6:012.2b
Press. ramp:010
Display 17
Plate temp. too low
222°C< 210°C < 232°C
Display 18
Put in heat. plate
Display 19
Bead Height
Bead Build Time:68 s
Display 20