4.3.3 Possibility to Change Welding Parameters
Subsequent to setting the drag pressure, Display 20 shows on the
screen, provided that manual data input is enabled in the Reporting
sub-menu of the Configuration Menu.
In both screens enabling manual input of welding parameters (Dis-
plays 20 and 21), the ï and ð cursor keys allow moving on from digit to
digit and from value to value. The selected digit of a parameter value
is changed using the ñ and ò. The START/SET key serves to confirm
the inputs. By pressing the START/SET key, you also make the control
unit go on to the next screen.
The parameters set manually are kept in memory when the
machine is turned off. Only the pressure values are computed
individually for every welding process. If the pipe parameters
change, all parameters have to be set once again. The ma-
chine recognizes the change of pipe parameters and brings
the operator directly to the menu for changing them.
4.3.4 Setting the Joining Pressure and Starting the Bead Build-up Stage
After butt facing and pipe alignment check, the welding process proper
starts by setting the joining pressure (i.e., the maximum pressure that
will be reached during the process, in the bead build-up stage and at
the end of the joining stage). This is done by pushing the mover lever
to its close-in position and setting the maximum pressure regulator
to the level to be kept during bead build-up and joining/cooling. The
actual pressure shows (see Display 22) and the control software moves
on to the next step as soon as the pressure is within tolerance.
The display also shows the nominal joining pressure applicable to this
welding. After setting the joining pressure, move apart the carriage
of the machine.
The so-called automode is a tool for monitoring the duration
of the bead build-up stage and moving on automatically from
the bead build-up to the heating stage by decreasing the
applied pressure. However, this requires that the automode
was enabled in the Configuration Menu. Then, with enabled
automode, Display 23 is shown. Then, to use that bead build-
up time saved at the last welding operation, press START/
SET. Pressing STOP/RESET will cancel the automode for bead
build-up. If the bead build-up is automode-managed, the
build-up time is displayed as a countdown, and from 10 sec
prior to decreasing the pressure, the audible signal can be
At the start of the bead build-up stage, place the heating element
between the pipe butts. The display tells you so. If the heating ele-
ment is not sufficiently hot at this point, an information message on
the screen asks you to wait a little longer.
Then close in the movable carriage by pushing the carriage mover
lever and wait for the weld bead to reach the required height or
width, depending on the used welding standard. Observing the bead
is also highly recommended in the automode, even though the bead
height is not indicated on the screen during an automode-managed
bead build-up stage.
4.3.5 Heating Stage
After the bead build-up stage (1
control unit) was completed, pressure must be decreased (2
LED in the welding diagram on the
HÜRNER WeldControl 2.0 1400 User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Buildup pr.:030.5bar
Heatsoaking:0120 s
Change-over:0005 s
Cool. time :900
Press. ramp:010
Plate temp.:223
Set Joining Pressure
Use last bead
build-up time?
Put in heat. plate
Bead Height
Bead Build Time:68 s
LED in
Display 20
Display 21
Display 22
Display 23
Display 24
Display 25
Version July 2020