RotoSystem 300, the workhorse for the
preparation of many or large specimens
The RotoSystem 300 with its
300 mm dia. disc and the strong
RotoForce-3 specimen mover is es-
pecially suitable for the prepa ration
of a large number of speci mens and
also for specimens of a large size. The
built-in disc cooling of
Ro toPol-31 is especially valuable in
these cases, as the temperature on
the preparation disc will stay low and
with little variation dur ing the entire
preparation proc ess.
The amount of lubricant used during
preparation will be reduced accord-
RotoForce-3 is designed to han dle
specimen holders of up to 200 mm
dia., making it possible to ei ther pre-
pare very large speci mens or many
small specimens in one of Struers
standard speci men holders. Of course,
holders for many different sizes and
shapes are available or can be manu-
factured according to your specifi ca-
System equipment
All three systems are equipped with
the Multidoser automatic dosing unit
and the RotoCom memory unit. The
use of Multidoser gives you control-
led dosing of both dia mond and oxide
polishing sus pensions as well as of lu-
bricants. RotoCom is used to store up
to one hundred preparation meth ods
with a maximum of 10 steps each.
All preparation parameters are saved
in RotoCom and can be re called at
any time. Now you do not have to
wonder whether the preparation has
been carried out in exactly the same
way as last time, the RotoSystem pro-
vides you with this guarantee.
With RotoCom it is even possible to
connect the system to a PC. That
means you can copy prepa ration
methods and send them to a lab at
your other plant, or to your supplier or
anybody else who has to use the ex-
act same method.