Struers RotoPol-31 Mode D'emploi page 125

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The RotoSystem
enables you to choose from several
grinding/polishing machines, and differ-
ent specimen movers. You can also
add a dosing unit and a memory unit
for the control of all preparation pa-
rameters. A maximum of fl exibility
is provided, enabling you to fi nd the
best solution for your specimen prepa-
At the same time maximum re-
producibility is guaranteed, as both
the memory unit for all preparation
parameters and the automatic doser
will secure that the same results are
achieved every time a preparation
method is carried out.
Even different laboratories within
the same group can share the same
preparation methods, as the RotoCom
unit can be interfaced with a PC for
easy up- and downloading of prepara-
tion methods.
To demonstrate the po tential of Roto-
System we have designed three com-
plete sys tems, which will cover most
ap plications in a modern labora tory.
The RotoSystem 200 is based on the
RotoPol-11 with
200 mm discs. RotoSystem 250 is
based on a RotoPol-22, where 250
RotoSystem 250, the ideal solution for the lab with a varying workload
RotoSystem 200, for small laboratories or a limited number of specimens
mm dia. discs are used, and the Roto-
System 300 is built up on a RotoPol-
31 with 300 mm dia. disc size.
RotoSystem 200,
the small system
The combination of a RotoForce-1
specimen mover on a RotoPol-11 is
suitable for the preparation of a limited
number of specimens. Either
1-3 single specimens or 3 specimens
clamped in a holder can be pre pared
at a time. If the specimens arrive at
the laboratory one at a time or in small
quantities, the fastest and most eco-
nomic preparation will be achieved on
the RotoSystem 200. Together with
Multidoser for accurate and repro-
ducible dosing of suspen sions and
lubricant and RotoCom with pre-pro-
grammed prep aration methods, perfect
results can be obtained every time.
RotoSystem 250,
the smart system
Ideal for the lab where the workload is
The RotoSystem 250 can be used for
the preparation of single specimens
as well as for the preparation of speci-
mens clamped in holders.
No need to use "dummy" specimens. If
only one specimen has to be prepared,
simply switch to single specimen mode
on the RotoForce-4 and run only one
That means a considerable saving of
consumables over the years, as one
specimen requires less diamond sus-
pension than six specimens.
Next time a whole load of specimens
arrives, clamp up to twelve into one
specimen holder. Han dling is a lot eas-
ier than with twelve single specimens.
The RotoPol-22 grinder/polisher has
two individually controlled discs. While
one is in operation, the second disc
can be prepared according to the infor-
mation already sent by RotoCom.
RotoCom, with the built-in Metalog
Guide methods, automatically sends
force values for both sin gle specimens
and specimen holders to the specimen
mover. The appropriate value for that
set-up will then be used.
RotoSystem 300,
the powerful system
For the preparation of many or large


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