34. Use contact adhesive to glue the hub cap to the wheel. Use low-tack
tape to hold the hub cap in position until the adhesive fully cures.
Repeat this section to install the remaining retract assembly.
Ki-43 Oscar 60cc ARF
Use medium-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the control horn where
it fi ts into the control surface. Clean the sanded area using a paper
towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove any debris or oils. This
provides the surface texture necessary for the epoxy to bond to.
Use tape on the painted area to help prevent removing
the exposed portion of the control horn. Remove the
tape once the control horn has been sanded.
Insert the M3 x 10 button head screw into the hole in the control
horn. Remove any paint using a hobby knife and #11 blade so the
screw fi ts into the hole easily. Check all the control horns.
The hole should be just large enough for the screw to slide
through, yet still fit snugly in the hole and not move excessively.
Run your fi nger along the bottom of the aileron to locate the area
for the control horn. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the
covering, exposing the slots for the control horn.
Test fi t the control horn in the slot. Do not force the control horn into
the slot. Use a square to make sure the control horn is square to the
control surface. Do not force the control horn in the slot.
If the control horn fits tight, or is not square, use a rotary tool
3/32-inch (2.5mm) drill bit to carefully enlarge and reshape
the hole. Wrap a piece of low-tack tape around the drill
bit to set the depth of the drill bit so it won't accidentally
pass through the opposite side of the control surface.