The flaps must be positioned to the wing before the epoxy
begins to cure. Make sure to read through all the steps
before mixing any epoxy. Glue only one flap at a time to
allow enough working time to properly install the hinges.
Locate the fl ap control horns. When installed, the concave portion of
the horn (as indicated in the drawing) will face toward the top of the
fl aps.
Run your fi nger down the leading edge of the fl ap to locate the
area for the fl ap control horns. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to
remove the covering, exposing the slots for the control horn. Use
15-minute epoxy to glue the fl ap control horns in position. Remove
any excess epoxy using a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol.
Use the steps outlined for the aileron control horns to install the
flap control horns. Make sure to check that the flap control horns
are glued securely in the flaps once the adhesive fully cures.
Wrap a piece of low-tack tape around the fl ap to create a tab so the
fl ap can be lifted and lowered into position when fi tting the hinges.
Use the long hinges when installing the flaps to the wing.
Test fi t the hinges to the fl ap. Do not use any adhesives now. Slide
the hinge into position. Position as shown, checking to make sure it
can move freely.
Check the fi t of the fl ap to the wing. It will fi t centered in the
opening. The hinge pin will be positioned directly over the gap
between the leading edge of the fl ap and the aft edge of the wing
opening. Test the operation of the fl ap to make sure the hinges are
properly aligned and the fl ap movies freely.
The fl ap will also align to the bottom of the wing when the hinges
are positioned correctly.
Use 15-minute or 30-minute epoxy to allow enough
working time during the hinge installation.
Remove the fl ap from the wing and remove the hinges. Apply epoxy
into each of the holes in the fl ap.
Do not use an excessive amount of epoxy when gluing the hinges.
Use enough epoxy to securely adhere the hinges to the surfaces.
Apply epoxy to each hinge where it will be inserted into the fl ap.
Insert the hinges in the fl ap.
Apply epoxy to each hinge where it will be inserted into the wing.
10. Apply epoxy into each of the holes in the wing.