Cut a piece of fuel tubing that will result in the end of the clunk
being 5
inches (143mm) from the back of the aluminum plate.
Secure the tubing to the clunk and stopper using thin wire. This will
keep the tubing from sliding loose inside the tank. Make sure to use
the clunk supplied with your engine.
A second clunk can be installed to provide
a line to fuel/de-fuel your aircraft.
We recommend using a clunk with a filter for all engine installations.
Insert the clunks into the tank. Install the larger clunk, then the small
clunk. The vent line will angle toward the top of the fuel tank.
Mark the lines from the tank so the fuel lines can be identifi ed from
outside the tank. Tighten the screw in the stopper using a #1 Phillips
Check that both clunks can move freely inside the tank.
If not, adjust the tubing from outside the tank so they can
move freely to ensure consistent fuel flow to the engine.
Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the covering from the
fuselage for the fi ll line fi tting. Install the fi tting in the fuselage.
The fill line can also be left inside the fuselage to retain
the scale look of the model. The removal of the canopy
hatch will be required to add fuel to the fuel tank.
Ki-43 Oscar 60cc ARF
Secure the fuel tank to the fuel tank tray using hook and loop straps
Secure 7
inch ((190mm) pieces of fuel line to the three lines
exiting the tank. Use tie wraps to prevent the lines from sliding
Prepare and harden the holes in the fuselage for the fuel tank tray
screws using an M3 x 15 sheet metal screw and thin CA. Secure the
fuel tank tray in the fuselage using four M3 x 15 sheet metal screws
and four M3 washers.
Pass the fi ll line through the fi tting in the fuselage. Insert the fi ll plug
in the fi ll line from the tank.
Press the plug into the fi tting to secure the fi ll line. Route the vent
line from the tank to the bottom of the fuselage. Use a fi tting at the
underneath the fuselage to secure the vent line.
10. Connect the line from the fi ltered clunk to the carburetor. Use a tie
wrap to secure the line to the carburetor.
Use a filter between the fuel tank and carburetor
to avoid the potential of debris that could be in the
fuel from entering the carburetor and engine.