Disassemble the spinner and remove the propeller. Use a drill and
7/32-inch (5mm) drill bit to drill the holes in the propeller for the
mounting screws.
A drill press is highly recommended for drilling
the holes to guarantee the holes are properly
aligned when installing the propeller.
Remove the material in the center of the dummy radial for the
propeller shaft and drive washer for your particular motor.
The dummy engine is supplied unpainted. It is functional as an air
baffle which helps direct air over the gas engines cylinder head.
Failure to fit the dummy engine may result in your gas engine
overheating due to poor airflow through the cowling vents.
The top of the radial engine is indicated by two indentations that will
align with the gun exits in the cowling. Use this as a reference when
trimming the engine.
Gas: Trim the dummy radial engine to allow air to pass over the
engine and to clear the carburetor if necessary.
EP: Trim the material between the cylinders of the dummy radial
engine to allow cooling air to pass across the motor and ESC.
The photo shows the radial engine prepared
for the gas engine installation.
The dummy radial engine can be detailed using paint before
securing it in the cowling. Make sure to test any paints on the
trimmed pieces to make sure they are compatible with the plastic.
Use sandpaper to remove the paint from the dummy radial where
it contacts the inside of the cowling. This will increase the bond of
the adhesive to the dummy radial. Use 15-minute epoxy to glue the
radial engine inside the cowling. Allow the epoxy to fully cure before
Ki-43 Oscar 60cc ARF
10. Place a piece of clear plastic between the cowl mounts and the cowl
ring. Secure the cowl mounts to the fuselage using the M4 x 15
socket head cap screws, M4 lock washer and M4 washer. Align the
mount with the cowl ring and tighten the hardware using a 3mm hex
11. Slide the cowling into position. Center the drive washer in the
12. Attach the propeller to the motor shaft using the hardware included
with the engine. Position the cowling so the propeller is equal
distance from the cowling when rotated.
13. Use thin CA to tack glue the mounts to the cowling.
The mounts will be removed to be glued securely in the following
steps. Do not use excessive amounts of glue in this step.
14. Carefully remove the screws and cowling from the fuselage. Use a
felt-tipped pen to trace the outline of the mounts on the inside of the