Slide the support on the pushrod tube.
10. Connect the Z-bend in the pushrod to the carburetor arm.
11. Guide the throttle pushrod into the pushrod tube. Attach the engine
to the fi rewall using four spacers, four machine screws, and four
washers. Apply a drop of threadlock on the end of each screw before
12. Prepare the holes in the fuselage for the throttle servo by threading
a screw into each hole. Remove the screws and place 2 to 3 drops
of thin CA in each hole to harden the surrounding wood. Once the CA
has fully cured, install the throttle servo with the servo shaft toward
the rear of the fuselage.
13. Mount the throttle servo connector in the throttle servo arm so it is
7/16-inch (11mm) from the center of the servo arm. Place a drop
of canopy glue on the M2 nut, then install it on the underside of the
arm to secure the connector.
14. Center the servo using the radio system and install the servo arm on
the servo perpendicular to the servo center line. Make sure to slide
the connector on the pushrod wire. Use side cutters to remove any
arms that may interfere with the operation of the servo.
15. Move the carburetor and servo to the low-throttle position and
tighten the setscrew securing the pushrod to the connector at the
servo. Use side cutters to trim the excess wire. Check the operation
of the carburetor using the radio system. Make any adjustments
necessary to fully open and close the carburetor using the radio
16. Use side cutters to remove any excess pushrod wire that may
interfere with the operation of the throttle servo.
17. Use 15-minute epoxy to glue the pushrod tube support to the rear
edge of the inner fuselage side.