Remove the tape and packing materials from the fuselage.
Move the canopy latch toward the front of the fuselage. Lift the
canopy hatch from the fuselage at the rear and remove it from the
fuselage. Set it aside in a safe location.
Separate the elevators from the stabilizer.
Run your fi nger along the bottom of the stabilizer to locate the
center. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering
from the center section.
Run your fi nger along the sides of the fuselage to locate the opening
for the stabilizer. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the
covering from the fuselage.
Use a razor saw to remove the section of the tail post from the
stabilizer slot.
The tail post is left in position at the factory to prevent damage
and maintain the structural integrity of the fuselage during
shipping and must be removed to install the stabilizer.
Use medium grit sandpaper to sand the fuselage smooth with the
stabilizer slot.
Run your fi nger along the top of the wing to locate the blind nut
for the wing retaining bolt. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to
remove the covering from the wing to expose the blind nut for the
wing retaining bolt.
For additional security, glue can be applied to the blind
nut on the inside of the wing. Epoxy with micro balloons
to thicken it works well for this task. Make sure not to
get any adhesive inside the threads of the blind nut.
Slide the wing tube into the wing tube socket.
The wing tube may be a tight fit in the socket. Polishing the
wing tube with fine sand paper or steel wool will help ease
the installation of the wing tube. Do not force the wing tube in
the socket as it can damage the structure inside the wing.