The product incl. accessories and packaging materials are recyclable
and are subject to extended producer responsibility. Dispose them sep-
arately, following the illustrated Info-tri (sorting information), for better
waste treatment. The Triman logo is valid in France only.
User notices for the disposal and scrapping of electronic
equipment waste in Germany
In this context, owners of electronic waste can return it via return or
collection options for electronic waste provided by public disposal au-
thorities to ensure the proper disposal of electronic waste. Returning
these items is a legal requirement.
Furthermore, it is also possible to return the devices to distributors if
certain requirements are met.
According to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG),
the following distributors are required to accept electronic waste free
of charge:
• Electronics stores with a retail space for electrical and electronic
devices of at least 400 square metres
• Grocery stores with a total retail space of at least 800 square me-
tres, who offer and sell electrical and electronic devices multiple
times per year or permanently.
• Mail-order businesses, however, the requirement for 1:1 returns for
private households only applies to heat exchangers (cooling/refrig-
eration appliances, air conditioners, etc.), devices with screens and
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Please contact your responsible local authority with any
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29.05.24 10:51