Exterior Camera
Area View
Area View enhances the Rearview Camera system by displaying video of the area surrounding the entire vehicle. It offers the
driver numerous views and settings.
Area View System Design
Information Electronics Control Module 1 J794 and
Peripheral Camera Control Module J928
Front Information Display Control Head J685
Right Peripheral
Camera R245
Rear Peripheral
Front Peripheral
Left Peripheral
Camera R244
The view around the vehicle is captured with four cameras. The front camera is located in the front grille, the rear
camera is in the handle of the rear lid and the side cameras are installed underneath the side mirrors.
The cameras have wide-angle lenses and capture the whole area around the vehicle, enabling areas to be viewed that are
either difficult to see or cannot be seen at all. Since the camera capture areas overlap, an accurate and realistic optical
transition between the visual ranges of the different cameras can be created (so-called bird's-eye view).
The diagnosis address is 6C.