3. On the panel turn the left valve "AIR FLOW" to "Va-
cuum" position and the right valve "TANK" to "Used"
position (Fig. 6), open the valve on the used fluid hose
(transparent) (Fig. 7), and then open the valve on the
used fluid hose (Fig. 7), and then the antifreeze will
start to flow and a vacuum will be created to -20inHg
in both the used tank and the vehicle, and the anti-
freeze will start to flow. 7), and then open the works-
hop air valve and a vacuum down to -20inHg will be
created in both the used tank and the vehicle, and
antifreeze will start to flow from the vehicle into the
used tank of the equipment, and the hoses of the ve-
hicle will collapse;
Fig 6.
New fluid hose: closed
Used fluid hose: open
Fig 7.
4. Turn both valves on the panel to the "OFF"
position (Fig.1) and keep the valve on the used
fluid hose open (Fig.7), to maintain vacuum
pressure in the vehicle's coolant system. Mo-
nitor the pressure gauge on the used tank to
perform a leakage analysis of the cooling sys-
5. Close the valve on the old fluid hose, and
open the valve on the new (red) fluid hose, (Fig.
8). New antifreeze will be drawn into the vehicle
by the vacuum created in the vehicle. When
antifreeze in the vehicle reaches an adequate
level, turn all valves to the OFF position.
New fluid hose: open
Used fluid hose: closed
Fig 8.
6. Arranque el motor y compruebe el nivel del
anticongelante de nuevo. Si el nivel de anti-
congelante se descende, gire la valvula iz-
quierda "AIR FLOW" en el panel a posicion
"Pressurize", la valvula derecha "TANK" a la
posicion "New" (Fig. 9), abra la valvula en la
manguera de fluido nuevo(roja) (Fig.8), luego
abra la valvula de aire taller para agregar mas
anticongelante nuevo al vehiculo.
Fig 9.
1. Lift the vehicle, mount a receiving tray on the
machine to the used tank and open the valve
under the receiving tray;
2. Open the drain cock on the bottom of the
vehicle, to drain all the antifreeze used in the
vehicle into the catch pan;
3. Screw in the drain cock and lower the vehi-
cle to ground level;
4. Connect the conical adapter and direct it
to the overflow tank. Turn the left valve on the
"AIR FLOW" panel to the "Pressurize" position,
the right valve "TANK" to the "New" position,
open the valve on the new fluid hose (red),
then open the workshop air valve to add new
antifreeze to the vehicle through the overflow
tank. As illustrated above in Fig.8 and Fig.9.
5. Start the engine and check the antifreeze
level. If the antifreeze level drops, turn the left
"AIR FLOW" valve on the panel to "Pressurize"
position, the right "TANK" valve to "New" po-
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