14 Accessories/Parts for the Product
Push-on Elbow Adapter 6.0 - 4.0
Push-on Elbow Adapter 6.0 - 4.7
Push-on Adapter 6.0 with terminal clamp
Adapter Bag
USB Cable
Software DataWork for Windows
USB Stick
216 - 010 - 083
216 - 010 - 082
216 - 010 - 401
216 - 030 - 310
300 - 010 - 167
216 - 080 - 505
300 - 010 - 154
HÜRNER HST 300 HP 2.0 User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Version April 2016