User Manual
Sanitize Water System
Perform after scale removal to complete the
Water System Cleaning process.
1. Create a solution of sanitizer.
Note: If the unit must be pulled out to remove the
panel and access the water reservoir, be sure that the
water supply, drain and power remain connected
2. Mix 4 oz/118ml of locally approved sanitizer and
2.5 gal/9.5L of (90
water to create a 200 ppm solution.
3. If not already turned off, rotate the reservoir's
water shut off knob to shut the water supply
OFF. If water reservoir cover has been placed on
reservoir, remove it.
4. Pour the sanitizing solution into the reservoir until
it is full to but not over the overflow point (about 8
oz) and wait 2 minutes.
5. Press the On button to turn the ice machine ON.
Moving parts hazard.
Risk of personal injury.
6. Operate the machine for at least 15 minutes,
adding sanitizer to the reservoir as needed to
keep it at least half full, and then push and release
the Off button to shut it OFF.
C to 110
C ) potable
7. Remove the ice sweep.
8. Wash the reservoir cover, ice sweep, breaker
and the inside of the ice chute with the sanitizer
Caution: Do not allow sanitizer to contact the
9. Return the ice sweep and reservoir cover to their
normal positions.
10. Drain the solution from the system by pulling the
reservoir's drain plug.
11. Return plug when drained.
12. Rinse bin liner with clean water. Be sure all ice
has been melted.
Note: Only add 16 oz or 1/2 liter water to the bin at a
time, as excess water will drain out the spout.
13. Remove agitator bar and dispense rotor.
14. Remove ice and water dispense chutes.
15. Thoroughly wash dispense reservoir, reservoir
cover, chutes agitator bar, dispense rotor and all
bin interior surface areas including bin cover and
any other areas that may contact the ice with the
sanitizer solution.
16. Rinse with clean water.
17. Return dispense chutes, agitator bar and dispense
rotor to their original positions.
18. Rotate water shut off knob to turn the water supply
19. Push and release the On button to restart ice
20. Return the dispense bin cover to the machine and
secure with the original screws; being careful not
to overtighten them.
21. Return all panels to their normal positions and
secure with the original screws.
March 2024
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