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Youngster 3
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Directions for use
With Transit Option (WTORS compliant bracketery)
designed in accordance with the dynamic test
requirements of ISO 7176 Part 19.
With Transit Option (compliant bracketery for DIN
standard 75078-2).
Without Transit Option.
Note – WTORS is the acronym for Wheelchair Tiedown
and Occupant Restraint Systems.



Sommaire des Matières pour Sunrise Medical Quickie Youngster 3

  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Directions for use With Transit Option (WTORS compliant bracketery) Youngster 3 designed in accordance with the dynamic test requirements of ISO 7176 Part 19. With Transit Option (compliant bracketery for DIN standard 75078-2). Without Transit Option.
  • Page 2 Maintaining close ties to our customers means a lot to us at Sunrise Medical. We thus like to keep you up-to-date about new Handling ..........8 and current developments at our company.
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Safety Tips (3.3) The engineering and construction of this wheelchair have been designed to provide maximum safety. Inter- national safety standards currently in force have either been fulfilled or exceeded. Nevertheless, users may put themselves at risk by improperly using their wheelchairs.
  • Page 4 ISO 363-3 ISO 363-4 DIN 363-1 DIN 363-2 of the carer, the driver. SUNRISE MEDICAL does not take any responsi- ISO Style DIN Style bility for personal and material damage, which is a - Front Bracket (363-3) - Front Bracket (363-1) direct result of transportation.
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 15. Use of a non-validated system (wheelchair base 9. If the wheelchair is used for transport, it must be & seating), as a seat in a motor vehicle could used in a forward-facing seating position. result in increased reisk of severe injury or death 10.
  • Page 6 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Wheelchair Components (4.1) We at SUNRISE MEDICAL have been awarded the ISO 9001 Certificate, which affirms the quality of our products at every stage, from Research and Development to production. This product complies with the standards set forth in EU directives.
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Handling Options – Tipping Tubes Folding up (6.1) Tipping Tubes (7.1) First remove the seat cushion from Tipping tubes are used by atten- the wheelchair and flip up the dants to tip a wheelchair over an (platform) footplate or the individu- obstacle.
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Options – Brakes Options – Headrest Drum Brakes (7.13) Headrest (7.35) Drum brakes permit safe and The headrest can be raised and convenient braking for an atten- moved both forwards and back- dant. They can also be set with the wards.
  • Page 9 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Adjustable Backrest Upholstery Options – Axle Plates (7.72) The sling can be adapted to any degree of tension by adjusting the Axle Plates (7.50) Velcro fasteners. The padding in The position of the body’s center the backrest can be removed of gravity with respect to the rear through an interior opening,...
  • Page 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Options – Anti-Tip Tubes Options – Tray Anti-Tip Tubes (7.93) Tray (7.111) Anti-tip tubes (1) provide additional The tray provides a flat surface for safety for inexperienced users most activities. Before using a tray, when they are still learning how to it first has to be adjusted once to operate their wheelchairs.
  • Page 11 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Possible Problems Technical Specifications (10.843) Wheelchair pulls to one side (9.1) Seat Widths Range • Check tire pressure from 22 cm to 40 cm (in 2cm steps) • Check to make sure wheel turns easily Seat Depths Range (bearings, axle) from 26 cm to 40 cm (in 2cm steps)
  • Page 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Torque 5 Nm 30 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm 7 Nm 1,5 Nm 30 Nm 45 Nm 45 Nm 10 Nm The torque for the M6 screw is 7 Nm, 30 Nm unless otherwise specified. 5 Nm 45 Nm 5 Nm...
  • Page 13 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 14 Manipulation .........20 haitons vous tenir au courant des nouveautés de Sunrise Medical.
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Consignes de sécurité (3.3) La conception et la construction du fauteuil sont réalisées pour garantir une sécurité maximale. A l’échelle internationale, toutes les exigences applicables en matière de normes de sécurité sont respectées, voire dépassées. Toutefois, l’utilisateur peut se mettre en situation de danger en utilisant son fauteuil de façon incorrecte.
  • Page 16 ISO 7176-19. sonne en charge. 7. Attachez le système de retenue de l’occupant SUNRISE MEDICAL ne peut être tenu responsable en respectant les consignes du fabricant et de toute blessure ou dommage matériel, subi conformément à la norme ISO 7176-19.
  • Page 17 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com La version standard de ce produit de haute qualité fabriqué par SUNRISE MEDICAL a subi avec succès un test de collision. À cette fin, les nœuds de force néces- saires sont fixés aux endroits indiqués sur le fauteuil (voir la figure ci-dessous).
  • Page 18 Présentation générale (4.1) Nous, la société SUNRISE MEDICAL, sommes certifiés ISO 9001, ce qui garantit la qualité de nos produits à tous les stades, du développement jusqu’à la production. Ce produit est conforme aux exigences des directives CE. Options ou accessoires représentés disponibles avec un supplément de prix.
  • Page 19 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Manipulation Options – Levier de basculement Plier (6.1) Levier de basculement (7.1) Retirez d’abord le coussin du Pour faire basculer un fauteuil rou- fauteuil roulant et rabattez le ou les lant par un accompagnateur(-trice) repose-pied(s) (monobloc) en on utilise un levier de bascule- position haute.
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Options – Freins Options – Appui-tête Frein à tambour (7.13) Appui-tête (7.35) Le frein à tambour permet à un L’appui-tête peut être réglé en accompagnateur (-trice) de freiner avant et en arrière, en hauteur, en toute sécurité...
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Toile de dossier réglable (7.72) Options – Plaque d’axe La toile du dossier peut être réglée en tension par des bandes velcro. Plaque d’axe (7.50) Le rembourrage de la toile du dos- La position du centre de gravité du sier est accessible par une ouver- corps par rapport à...
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Options – Roulette anti-bascule Options – Tablette thérapeutique Roulette anti-bascule (7.93) Tablette thérapeutique (7.111) Grâce à la roulette anti-bascule (1), La tablette thérapeutique sert de les utilisateurs et utilisatrices de surface d'appui. La tablette doit fauteuil néophytes bénéficient être adaptée une fois pour toute à...
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Pannes potentielles Caractéristiques techniques (10.843) Le fauteuil tire sur le côté (9.1) Dimensions et Poids • Vérifiez la pression des pneus. Dimensions du fauteuil • Vérifiez que la roue (roulement, axe) roule sans Longueur totale : problèmes.
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Couples de serrage 5 Nm 30 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm 7 Nm 1,5 Nm 30 Nm 45 Nm 45 Nm 10 Nm Le couple de serrage des vis M6 est 30 Nm de 7 Nm, sauf spécification contraire.
  • Page 25 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 26 Istruzioni per il trasporto della carrozzina ....33 degli sviluppi più recenti compiuti dalla Sunrise Medical. "Vicinanza al cliente” significa anche garantire un servizio rapido e possibil- Opzioni mente poco "burocratico”...
  • Page 27 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Avvertenze per l’uso (3.3) La costruzione e la struttura della carrozzina sono concepite per garantire la massima sicurezza dell’utente. Tutte le norme sulla sicurezza vigenti a livello internazionale vengono strettamente osservate se non addirittura superate. Nonostante ciò l’utente può trovarsi in situazioni di pericolo se la carrozzina viene utilizzata in modo non appropriato.
  • Page 28 ISO 7176, parte 19. SUNRISE MEDICAL non accetta alcuna responsabi- 6. Fissare i WTORS ai punti di fissaggio in base lità per danni personali e materiali, risultanti diretta- alle istruzioni del produttore e allo standard mente dal trasporto.
  • Page 29 Il problema, come descritto sopra, non si risolve montando degli ammortizzatori di tensione. Pertanto dobbiamo fare di nuovo riferimento alla nostra raccomandazione originale, anche se ciò significa che la persona interessata deve cambiare sedile e/o richiedere ulteriore assistenza. SUNRISE MEDICAL YOUNGSTER 3 Rev.A 1104/500/ST/000690636.EMS.1...
  • Page 30 (4.1) L’azienda SUNRISE MEDICAL è certificata ISO 9001. Questa certificazione assicura la qualità dei nostri prodotti in tutte le fasi della loro realizzazione, dallo sviluppo sino alla produzione. Questo prodotto è conforme ai requisiti delle direttive CE. Gli optional e gli accessori sono disponibili pagando un sovrapprezzo.
  • Page 31 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Istruzioni per il trasporto della carrozzina Opzioni – Pedana per ribaltamento Chiusura (6.1) Pedana per ribaltamento (7.1) Come prima operazione togliete il La pedana per ribaltamento della cuscino dalla carrozzina e ribaltate carrozzina è utilizzata dall’accom- la pedana (intera) o le pedane pagnatore per il superamento di un separabili.
  • Page 32 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Opzioni – Freni Opzioni – Appoggiatesta Freno a tamburo (7.13) Appoggiatesta (7.35) Il freno a tamburo permette all’ac- L’appoggiatesta può essere rego- compagnatore di frenare in modo lato sia in altezza sia orizzontal- funzionale e sicuro.
  • Page 33 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Rivestimento dello schienale a Opzioni – Piastra di regolazione tensione regolabile (7.72) Il rivestimento dello schienale può Piastra di regolazione delle essere tensionato agendo sui lacci ruote posteriori (7.50) di Velcro. È possibile accedere Per una guida facile e confortevole all’imbottitura del rivestimento del- è...
  • Page 34 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Opzioni – Ruotina antiribaltamento Opzioni – Tavolino Ruotina antiribaltamento (7.93) Tavolino (7.111) La ruotina antiribaltamento (1) con- Il tavolino serve come superficie ferisce maggiore sicurezza agli d’appoggio. Esso deve essere utenti inesperti durante le fasi ini- regolato dal Vostro rivenditore sul- ziali di apprendimento.
  • Page 35 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Possibili difetti Specifiche tecniche (10.843) Carrozzina con tendenza laterale (9.1) Dimensioni della carrozzina • Controllare la pressione dei copertoni Lunghezza totale: • Controllare il regolare rotolamento della ruota (cusci- Comprese le pedane: 90 cm al massimo netti, asse) •...
  • Page 36 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Coppie di serraggio 5 Nm 30 Nm 10 Nm 10 Nm 7 Nm 1,5 Nm 30 Nm 45 Nm 45 Nm 10 Nm La coppia di serraggio per le viti M6 è di 7 30 Nm Nm, se non indicato diversamente.
  • Page 37 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 38 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Sunrise Medical GmbH & Co.KG 69254 Malsch/Heidelberg Deutschland Tel.: +49 (0) 72 53/980-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 53/980-111 www.sunrisemedical.com Sunrise Medical Limited High Street Wollaston West Midlands DY8 4PS England Phone: +44 (0) 13 84 44 66 88 www.sunrisemedical.com...