H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
and appear in the welding report. By pressing STOP/RESET,
you skip this screen without any input.
You are free to define any additional data you
see fit. For instance, you can put into these fields
information on pipe length, ditch depth, or com-
ments that help with welded joint traceability.
Entering the Fitting Traceability Code
If this feature is enabled in the configuration menu, after
the fitting code was entered, another input "Fitting Code"
is required. This is the so-called "traceability code" or
"second fitting code" of the fitting.
This input is entered either from a bar code using the scan-
ner or manually using the alphanumeric keypad (see Info
in Sect. 5.2). Press the START/SET key to confirm your input.
If the code entered is not correct, a "Code Error" message
appears; check the string of numbers and correct as needed.
If the code entered is correct, it is saved to system memory
and inserted into the welding reports to be printed. By
pressing the STOP/RESET key, you skip this input.
Entering Weather Conditions
If the weather conditions feature is enabled in the system
set-up, this input is required before the fitting code can
be entered.
Use the arrow keys ñ, ò to select from "sunny," "dry,"
"rain," "wind," "tent," and "heating." Press the START/
SET key to confirm your selection. The selection is saved
to memory and will appear in the printed welding report.
Entering Data on the Jointed Components
According to the same procedure as used for entering
the fitting traceability code (see Sect. 6.4), prior to the
welding proper the ISO-compliant codes of the pipes to
be welded, their length as well as the installing company
can be entered for inclusion in the welding reports. For
this to be possible, they have to have been enabled in the
configuration menu.
Entering Welding Parameters Manually
To be able to enter the welding parameters manually, you
have first to connect the fitting to the welding unit with
the welding cable. The manual input of the parameters can
Version September 2022
HÜRNER HST 300 HP 2.0 User's Manual
*** Fitting Code ***
Display 10
Display 11
>Enter Voltage/Time
Enter Fitting Code
Display 12