Action: configures whether the external contact acts on all the defined channels
or on one channel.
Manual: pressing the external contact acts on one channel at a time and
selects the next channel.
Auto: pressing the external contact acts on all the channels at the same-
time. All the channels defined are selected.
Trigger : selects the external contact that activates the sequence
Remark: The "sequence" option must be configured at the external contact
in the System parameters --> Pedal I/O menu.
List of instruments
This menu allows display of all the instruments connected to the unit. The dif-
ferent instrument types are:
USB: the instruments connected using the USB cable (proximity-usb,
optoRS-usb, ...).
D200S: the D200S equipment connect through the USB port
S_SCALE: the USB measurement axes
RS232: the instruments connected using an RS232 cable
Probe: the probes.
Remark: the "E" symbol appears if point by point correction is active.
BLE: Bluetooth instruments
It is also possible to configure the modules connected by RS485:
RS485 Detection: activates the detection of a new RS485 module connec-
ted to the unit. A probe movement is sufficient to make the configuration.
RS485 Refresh: searches for all the RS485 modules connected to the D300S
and makes them appear in the list of instruments.
RS485 Reset: deletes the RS485 modules present in the list of instruments.