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The information that will be printed can be configured. Up to 4 different fields
and 4 field separators can be configured by the user.
The printable information is as follows:
Value (##.###) : the value with a ". " as decimal separator.
Value (##,###): the value with a "," as decimal separator.
Date and time: the date and time that the measurement was taken.
Counter: the part counter. Can be reset to zero using the "reinitialise part
counter" button.
Channel name: the channel name can be modified by the user in the
"measurement parameter" menu on page 2.
Channel number
Min/max value: the min, max, delta and mean values will be printed.
Tolerance: the measurement tolerance status (<, =, >).
None: no information to be printed.
The field separators are as follows:
{TAB}: a tab.
{SPACE}: a space.
{CR}: a carriage return.
{CR}+{LF}: a carriage return followed by a line feed.
{ :} : two points.
{ :}+{TAB}: two points followed by a tab.
Page 2
The user can define a header that will be printed with the values. An option
allows definition of whether the header is printed on each printing or only on
the first printing.