6. Please review the following steps before reinstalling the anti-soap baffle, which will be done by inserting the stems
into the opening grill of the Face Shield.
All stems and grill openings are numbered and located on the inside surface of the anti-soap baffle and on the interior
of the Face Shield. These numbers will correspond with each other when the assembly of both components is complete.
(See Fig. 49 and 50)
Fig. 48 - Stems
(Left Side)
(Right Side)
Fig. 49 - Stems Localisation with Dedicated Numbers from 1 to 6
Fig. 50 - Stems Localisation with Dedicated Numbers from 7 to 12
Fig. 51
Fig. 52 - Opening Localisation with Dedicated
Fig. 53 - Opening Localisation with Dedicated
Numbers from 1 to 6
Numbers from 7 to 12
(left side)
(right side)
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