• Certain button provisions in the Zen-O lite™ POC operating manual regarding oxygen
delivery, indicators, warnings, and alerts, as well as setting/changing litre fl ow or LPM.
• All crewmembers (pilots and fl ight attendants (F/A)) receive training regarding the han-
dling of in-fl ight medical events. However, the FAA does not require that air carriers or
crewmembers provide medical assistance to passengers.
IMPORTANT: Additional information regarding passenger health and safety can be found at
http://www.faa.gov/passengers/fl y_safe/health/comprehensive/.
8.1.3. Determine a Suffi cient Number of Batteries
You are responsible for bringing a suffi cient number of batteries to power the Zen-O lite™
POC for the duration of the expected use of your Zen-O lite™ POC. You should consider
at least the following in determining a suffi cient number of batteries:
• Healthcare professional advice regarding duration of Zen-O lite™ POC use.
• Air carrier information regarding duration of the expected fl ight as well as any layovers
and unanticipated delays.
IMPORTANT: You may be fl ying on multiple fl ights or multiple airlines, which could also
involve extended periods of Zen-O lite™ POC use on the ground between fl ights.
• Zen-O lite™ owner's manual information regarding expected duration of battery power.
IMPORTANT: You should never rely upon available onboard aircraft electrical power dur-
ing a fl ight.
• Air carrier requirements to carry a certain amount of batteries are typically available on
each airline's web site.
IMPORTANT: Air carriers may require you to bring enough batteries to power the device
for at least 150% of the expected maximum fl ight duration.
8.1.4. Documentation
You are responsible for the operation of the Zen-O lite™ POC on board the aircraft. For
this reason, the FAA recommends that passengers carry with them, at minimum, this
User Manual and any other written information provided by your healthcare professional
regarding the Zen-O lite™ POC and its use.
8.1.5. Physician´s Statement
An air carrier may require a medical certifi cate from a passenger with a disability if there
is reasonable doubt that the individual can complete the fl ight safely without requiring
extraordinary medical assistance during the fl ight. Also, an air carrier may require a medi-
cal certifi cate from a person who needs medical oxygen during a fl ight. The FAA does
not require passengers to obtain a physician's statement and present such statement to
the operator or pilot in command (PIC) prior to Zen-O lite™ POC use on board the aircraft.