Errors Dialogs
Input invalid. Input must be between 1 and
20 characters.
Print set to {1} failed!
Please check printer status.
No USB instrument found!
Please check USB instrument connection
and try again.
Image acquisition failed!
Please try again.
Network settings not applied!
Please try again.
Test expired!
Please discard the test.
Control status is overdue!
Please update the control
Instrument check is overdue!
Please run a new instrument check.
Test type not available!
Please discard the test.
Export failed!
Please try again.
Results data has been corrupted!
Please refer to user manual.
The test has timed out!
Please discard the test.
Password not recognised!
Please try again.
IP address {0} is invalid!
Please enter a valid IP address.
Subnet mask {0} is invalid!
Please enter a valid subnet mask.
The text input by the user does not meet the requirements
of being between 1 and 20 alphanumeric characters.
Ensure the correct printer has been connected (SLP620).
Reinsert printer and re-power.
If this does not correct the issue then contact Actim Oy.
If the user attempts to perform a task on the instrument
that required a USB flash memory key attached, the
instrument will look for the attached USB instrument. If
the instrument cannot be found then an error message
is displayed. Check that the USB Flash memory key is
correctly attached and reattempt task.
If you attempt to run a test the instrument cannot take an
image then the image acquisition will have failed. Please
attempt to run a self test to confirm that the instrument is
operating correctly.
The system was unable to apply the selected network
settings. Check network connection and try again. If the
problem persists, restart the unit and try again.
If a cartridge/strip carrier is inserted into the instrument
with an expired test, then the instrument will not permit the
test to proceed.
The control status for the selected test type is overdue.
Please run a new control test for that test type to update the
control status to pass.
The instrument check test status is overdue. To reset
the instrument check status to pass, please run a new
instrument check test.
If the user attempts to run a test that is not available on the
instrument, the instrument shall notify that the test type is
not available. Please discard the test.
The instrument was unable to export to an attached USB
Flash memory key. This could due to the following reasons:
a) A USB Flash memory key was not correctly inserted into
the instrument's USB serial port at the point of export.
b) The USB Flash memory key was not formatted correctly
and cannot be recognised by the Actim 1ngeni instrument.
See the USB requirements.
A results corruption has occurred, please attempt to export
the results. Please contact your supplier.
The next test step was not completed in the allotted time.
The test has timed out. Please discard the test.
The password entered is not recognised by the instrument,
please enter the correct password.
If you have forgotten the admin password, please contact
your supplier.
An incorrect or invalid IP address has been entered. Please
check what was entered then try again.
An incorrect or invalid subnet mask has been entered.
Please check what was entered then try again.