H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
in the jointing, and the duration of the individual
stages of the process depends on the material of
the components and the components themselves. It
is critical to comply with the information pro-
vided by the component manufacturer for the
jointing process. If not, no reliable joint can be
Drilling the Opening in the Pipe Saddle and Aligning
After drilling the opening in the straight pipeline, align the
pipe an the branch‑off fitting on each other:
1. Fasten the pipe ready for welding in the pipe
support(s) or reposition a clamped pipe by loosen‑
ing and fastening the middle clamp only. To lock the
pipe inside all clamps, tighten their handwheels.
2. Install the clamp (pair of individual clamping jaws)
appropriate for the diameter of the planned 90 deg.
branch‑off to the two blocks of the clamping con‑
sole (refer to Sect. 5.1). Be sure that the flange‑
like bead at the edge of the clamps is on the far
side from the pipe, so the branch‑off fitting will be
pressed against it in the jointing operation (refer to
the drawing on the right).
3. Use the handwheel for the clamping console to move
that console, which will secure the saddle branch‑off,
to the start‑up position, i. e. the position as far apart as
possible from the pipe, the machine chassis thus "open"
to the maximum. Fasten the power tool used as the
drive in the drive tool bracket and install the
drilling head of the required diameter to it.
Then lock the bracket holding the drive tool
in the clamping console by having the align‑
ment pins in the bottom of the bracket slide
into the four bushings in both blocks (refer
to the drawing on the right).
4. Switch the drive power tool on and, using
the handwheel for moving the clamping con‑
sole, close it in on the pipe. Continue turn‑
ing the handwheel to drill the opening into
the straight pipeline into which the 90 deg.
branch‑off fitting will be welded later on.
5. After drilling, retract the drilling head and
the drive power tool from inside the pipe us‑
ing the handwheel, switch the tool off, and
remove the drive tool bracket with the tool
from the clamping console. Then, de‑bur the
drilled opening and remove all drilling resi‑
6. Clean the opening in the straight pipeline
and the nipple of the 90 deg. branch‑off and — if re‑
quired under the welding standard or another directive/
provision — chamfer both. Clamp the saddle branch‑off
fitting into the clamping console, its concave edge fac‑
Version November 2021
HWT 160 SW – S User's Manual