High and current encryption protocols and checksum functions must always
be used, which are described in the directives for the VdS transmission proto-
col for danger notifications, Version 2, supplement S2: Protocol expansion for
connection to networks of the protocol family TCP, VdS 2465 or are based on the
recommendations for information security of public authorities and organisa-
tions (e.g. Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) or International Standards
Organisation (ISO)).
Online : If the application communication takes place via HTTPS, the following
certificate class is required: Extended validation with key strengths of ≥4096 bit
(symmetrical) and ≥256 bit (asymmetrical). If the master or masters and any ad-
ditional required servers are defined in the application, which can not be changed
and can be called up via the generally available browser, and the certificate of the
trustworthy CA of the manufacturer is still integrated and can not be changed,
self-issued certificates may also be used, which are derived from this trustwor-
thy CA. The requirements for the key strength and the algorithms used remain
unaffected by this.
Offline: If the master cannot be reached via a public network, the following certi-
ficate class applies: Self-signed with key strengths of ≥4096 bit (symmetrical) and
≥256 bit (asymmetrical). Certificates that are self-signed by the manufacturer
or signed via a procedure specified by the manufacturer must be authenticated
using a suitable procedure when the connection is established. The certificate
must reach the client via a secure path, e.g. via integration in the application "ex
Notes in accordance with VdS directives2156-2, 2386, 3169-1 and 3169-2