36 Volt Systems
Three 12 volt batteries are required. The batteries must be wired in series, only as directed in wiring diagram, to provide 36 volts.
Make sure that the motor is switched
off (speed selector on "0").
Connect a connector cable to the
positive ( + ) terminal of battery 1 and
to the negative ( – ) terminal of battery 2 and
another connector cable from the positive
( + ) terminal of battery 2 to the negative ( – )
terminal of battery of battery 3.
Connect positive ( + ) red motor lead
to positive ( + ) terminal on battery 3.
Connect negative ( – ) black motor lead to
negative ( – ) terminal of battery 1.
For safety reasons do not switch the motor on until the propeller is in the water. If installing a leadwire plug, observe proper polarity
and follow instructions in your boat owner's manual.
For safety reasons, disconnect the motor from the battery or batteries when the motor is not in use or while the battery/batteries are
being charged.
Improper wiring of 24/36 volt systems could cause battery explosion.
Keep leadwire wing nut connections tight and solid to battery terminals.
Locate battery in a ventilated compartment.
This completes the installation of your Riptide Terrova. A complete Owner's
Manual can be downloaded at minnkotamotors.com.
©2018 Johnson Outdoors Marine Electronics, Inc.
To trolling motor negative
24 Volt Series Connection
Neg -
Pos +
Battery #1
(Low Side)
Three 12-volt batteries connected in series for 36 volts
+36 Volts to trolling motor
positive (or circuit breaker)
36 Volt Series Connection
Neg -
Pos +
Battery #2
Neg -
Pos +
Battery #3
(High Side)
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