Remove the seat using the key.
Disconnect the three small connectors (Indicators and no. plate light connectors) as shown in
picture 1. Please note the orientation as connectors are to be re-connected at later stage.
From below, remove the four bolts securing the OEM tail light unit using 10mm socket and a
ratchet. Withdraw the OEM tail unit and its wiring (Shown in Picture 2).
On the OEM tail unit assembly, slide off the rubber booth and the wiring from the OEM tail
unit (Arrowed in Picture 3). Remove the indicator wires from the rubber booth and the guide
on the OEM tail unit (Labelled A in picture 3). Remove the rubber booth off completely for re-
use at later stage.
Using an 8mm spanner, remove the nut securing the L/H indicator; nut to be re-used at later
stage (Labelled B in Picture 3). Remove the L/H indicator from the OEM tail unit. Repeat the
procedure for the R/H indicator.
From the kit, place the No. Plate Light (Item 3) into the 3 in-line holes in the centre of licence
plate bracket (Item 2) (As shown in picture 4). Secure the No. Plate Light unit (Item 3) using
washers and nuts provided in the kit. Using a little amount of superglue, attach the shroud
(Item 4) onto the no. plate light (Item 3). Cut the heat-shrink tube (Item 7) to a suitable length
and feed the wires from the no. plate light (Item 3) through. Using a suitable heating resources,
shrink the heat-shrink tube (Item 7). Feed the wires through the centre hole arrowed in picture
4. Crimp male connectors provided from the kit on both wire ends.
Fit both OEM indicators to the licence plate bracket (Item 2) and secure with the OEM nuts
removed earlier. Shown in Picture 5.
If fitting R&G mini indicators, fit one length of heat-shrink tube (Item 7) to the wires of each
indicator and using a suitable heat resource, shrink the heat-shrink tube. Locate the indicator
stem and its wires into a larger hole on either side of the license plate bracket and secure with
the provided nut. Repeat the procedure to the other indicator.
Feed all the wiring (indicator and no. plate light wires) through the OEM rubber booth
removed earlier. Ensure that the OEM rubber booth is pointing the right direction. Attach the
OEM rubber booth with its wiring onto the licence plate bracket (Item 2) as arrowed in picture
Offer the licence plate assembly onto the sub-frame where OEM tail unit originally mounted.
Align the four holes and secure with M6 bolts (Item 5) and M6 washers (Item 6) provided
from the kit. Ensure that there are no wires caught between the sub-frame and the licence plate
bracket. Tighten the bolts to 15Nm.
Unit 1, Shelley's Lane, East Worldham, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3AQ
Tel: +44 (0)1420 89007 Fax: +44 (0)1420 87301
R&G Racing