- Start selected workout
Speed hot keys:
Speed Hot Keys are set as: 3, 6, 9, 12�
For example, the speed changes from any speed to 9 KPH by
pressing the Speed
Hot Key 9�
Handle bar quick-access keys:
- +
Same as Speed +�
- –
Same as Speed –�
- Start
Same as Start
- Stop
Same as Stop
Explanation of display items
- Shows the actual treadmill speed in workout mode�
- Shows target speed in programming mode�
- Shows the ran distance workout mode�
- Shows the target distance when being in programming mode�
- Shows program selection when being in program mode�
- Shows the ran time in workout mode�
- Shows the target time when being in programming mode�
- Shows the pulse rate in workout mode, or "P" when no pulse is
- Shows the consumed calories in workout mode�
• This data is a rough guide for comparison of different exercise
sessions which cannot be used in medical treatment
• Display for "Step/ Distance" & "Pulse/ Calories" scans every 5
• Use "MODE" button to freeze display, or start scan again when
in freeze mode�
Quick start
- Press "START" button to start your workout without any pre-set
- Treadmill will start at minimum speed
of 0�8 KM/H"�
- Adjust SPEED manually at any time to change your workout, and
stop/ pause at anytime�
End your workout
- Press "STOP" button to stop workout and reset console�
- Press and hold "STOP" button to stop workout and reset console�
Preset Programs (P1~P15)
The equipment has 15 pre-set programs with different profiles. (Fig G)
- Press "MODE" button to open programming mode�
- Press "PROG" buttons to select "P1~P15" program, press
"MODE" button to confirm�
- Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to set your desired training time
Default training time is set on 30:00 minutes�
Range 10:00~99:00 min�
• When set 00:00 minutes, the training will not stop, unless
stopped manually�
- Press "START" button to start your workout�
User programs (U-01~U-03)
The equipment has 3 user programs�
Each user program can be adjusted to personal requirements�
Each user program has a maximum of 20 steps�
The speed can be set for each step�
Each steps takes 1/20 of the total amount of time�
- Press the "PROG" button to select a program� Press the "MODE"
button to confirm�
Dis� display show selected program�
- Press the "SPEED +/-" buttons to set the time� Press the "MODE"
button to confirm� The "CAL�" window shows "01"�
- Press the "SPEED±" buttons to set the speed�
Main window shows speed setting
Press the "MODE" button to confirm�
The "CAL�" window shows "02"
- Repeat the above action to configure the other steps�
- Press the "START" button to start the program�
Body Fat
The Body Fat program is program to indicate your fiscal state, based
on your body parameters and heart rate�
- Press "MODE" button to open programming mode�
- Press "PROG" buttons to select "FAT"
program, press "MODE" button to confirm�
- The "Time/ Distance" display shows "F1" (SEX) .
The display shows "1"
Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to select:
1: Male/ 2: Female press "MODE" button to confirm.
- The display shows "F2" (Age) .
The display shows "25"
Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to select:10~99
press "MODE" button to confirm�
- The display shows "F3" (Heigth) .
The display shows "170"cm
Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to select:100~220 cm
press "MODE" button to confirm�
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