The seeder has been studied to allow a high sowing speed, com-
patible with the type and surface of the ground.
Bear in mind that a variation in tractor speed does not lead to a
corresponding variation in seed sown per hectare.
Always work at a constant speed. Sudden changes in speed will
result in an uneven distribution of the product.
Maintain e seeding speed compatible with type and cultivation
of the soil in order to avoid breakages or damage.
At the start of each new passage, the machine travels for approx a
metre before the seeds reach the seed-planting furrow through the
delivery tubes. Vice versa, at the end of the passage, it discharges
all the seeds present in the delivery tubes. This should always be
borne in mind to obtain a good fi nal result.
Always respect the following rules for successful sowing:
- Keep the tractor hydraulic lifting unit in its lowest position.
- every now and then check that the coulters are not blocked with
vegetable residues or clogged with soil that retains the seeds.
- check that the distributors are free from foreign bodies, that may
have accidentally entered the hopper. They could compromise
regular operation.
- The form dimensions and material of the drive shaft elastic
pins have been chosen for safety. The use of pins not ori-
ginal or more resistant, could cause serious damage to the
seeding machine.
- Avoid curves with the machine on the ground, neither work
in reverse.
Always lift it when changing direction or reversing.
- Maintain e seeding speed compatible with type and cultiva-
tion of the soil in order to avoid breakages or damage.
- Never lower the seeder when the tractor is not in travel in
order to prevent the clogging or damage of the seed coulters,
even if these are equipped with protections against clogging;
for the same reason, we discourage going into reverse gear
when the seeder is on the ground.
- A high seed moisture content, especially if the seed is dres-
sed, can cause clogging in the distribution.
- Never leave the seeds in the hopper for a long time, and,
before starting work, make sure the hopper, distributors and
seed delivery tubes are not excessively damp.
- Make sure that no foreign material (rope, sack paper) enters
the storage tank when seed is being loaded.
fi g. 73
76 - EN
The seeder can transport treated chemical substances toge-
ther with the seed. Do not allow children, people, pets to come
near the seeding machine.
Keep away from the seed storage tank and refrain from at-
tempting to open it when the seeder is working or about to
begin working.
At the end of the work processes, stop all the mechanical moving
parts in safe conditions. Let the machine sit on the ground, stop
the engine, remove the ignition key and engage the parking brake.
The emptying hatch opens the doser the entire width of the dosing
roller so that the machine can be emptied quickly and effectively.
If the retaining spring is not released, by lifting the hatch slightly, it
is possible to remove a little of the hopper's contents quickly and
safely (Fig. 73).
If the retaining spring is released it is possible to pull the hatch
upwards until you hear a "click" and then totally empty the machine
(Fig. 74). Do not forget to close the hatch and secure it with the
retaining spring before fi lling the machine a second time!
The hatch opening is wide enough to enable the force of action of
the agitator (Fig. 75) to be easily varied in the case of particularly
problematic seeds (using the machine as a seed distributing front
hopper) (see chapter on agitator).
At the end of the work processes, prepare the machine for transport
on public roads.
Store all the mobile parts (row marker arm, rear row markers,
etc.) within the machine width and secure them using the safety
devices supplied.
Adhere to the regulations in force on road transport in the
user's country.
fi g. 74
fi g. 75
cod. G19503391